Saturday, November 12, 2011


Concrete, always on our feet

Always swift, stay outta’ heat

Build not destroy, converse, employ

Smile more, be sweet, enjoy

This life is too short for you not to give

Don’t think for 1 second it’s pointless, just live

Don’t even ponder the point js’ stay on it

& All that is not good, be gone with it

To live is to be given love

To be loved is to love

All the more to realize it is but air, above

The waste mutates and disembodies into the soil

What you want, what you need, so you toil

Right before your eyes, more

Still there, never left but now more

More than you have ever seen before

Real eyes don’t lie

& Real eyes recognize real lies

& If real recognize real

& If holding you is real

How does it have to feel

For it to be real…

- 05/10/2007

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